Portfolio Site

Portfolio Site

January 19, 2022

Recently I began my Master application for 2022 Fall, and some of the universities, require the applicants to submit their portfolio in the form of personal website. I was intended to submit this site, however, this site only contains daily logs and technical topic posts. So I would rather create another website for my portfolio works.

After one afternoon’s work, new Portfolio Website was online, powering by Wix. Actually I found the Wix tool quite easy to use, only drags and drops are needed, just like what they’ve shown in the Youtube ads. The problem is, it’s not suitable for me to contantly update the contents since it tooks a lot more to render a single site in Wix. You have to drag and drop each paragraph yourself. However, it’s pretty easy to publish a post in Hexo. I can just use Typora and markdown to upload a post in seconds. Also, Wix doesn’t have good support for code snippets as the Markdown does. So I‘m just gonna post most of my daily thoughts and progresses here. And major works on the portfolio site.

I actually want to merge these two sites, this site and the portfolio site, into one. However, I find the two sites’ styles are quite different and I’m not interested in writing pieces of CSS code anyway. Maybe I will merge them someday.

Finally, if you are interested in my portfolio, check Portfolio Site.